ERASMUS+ Project: “Exploring, Cinéma cent ans de jeunesse” (E*CCAJ)

Across all borders, the love of cinema unites people from around the world. The international film education project “Le Cinéma, cent ans de jeunesse” (CCAJ) demonstrates cinema’s powerful unifying force by integrating film into school-based aesthetic education alongside other arts in France.

Founded in Paris in 1995 by filmmaker and film theorist Alain Bergala and educator Nathalie Bourgeois, who established the film education department at the Cinémathèque française, CCAJ was managed by the Cinémathèque française for over 25 years.

Since 2021, the program has been supported by the association “Cinéma, cent ans de jeunesse!” (CCAJ) and is backed by the DFF, as well as the institutions “Documentaire sur grand écran” and “Ciné 104, Pantin.”

Under the leadership of the DFF in Frankfurt, the CCAJ’s decades of pioneering work in film education is being evaluated in an Erasmus+ project accompanied by two universities. This initiative, called “Exploring, Cinéma cent ans de jeunesse” (E*CCAJ), was driven by a consortium of cultural institutions and schools from Germany, France, Bulgaria, and Portugal, as well as the universities Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris and the University of Bremen.

This new project aimed to expand and deepen the French educational program CCAJ, with a particular focus on assessing the impact of aesthetic film education and cultural participation on the development opportunities for young people. The participating schools – IGS Herder in Frankfurt, ObU “Neofit Rilski” in Dermantsi/Bulgaria, Collège THOMAS MANN in Paris/France, Escola Secundária Marquês de Pombal in Lisbon/Portugal, and starting in 2024, Collège Paul Klee in Thiais/France – were selected based on the “Diversity and Inclusion” objectives of the Erasmus+ program. These CCAJ workshops, conducted during the 2022/23 and 2023/24 school years, were monitored by universities, with participants being interviewed for evaluation purposes. A publication on CCAJ is planned for release in 2024.

As a result of the Erasmus+ project, the final event, traditionally held in the Paris region, took place in Wiesbaden/Frankfurt in the summer of 2023 and will move to Lisbon in 2024. Students from thirteen countries worldwide participating in the CCAJ program will travel to Lisbon for this event.

In addition to the DFF, the actively involved partners in E*CCAJ include the Arte Urbana Collectif (Bulgaria), Os Filhos de Lumiere – associacao cultural (Portugal), the Center for Media, Communication, and Information Research (ZeMKI, University of Bremen), and the Institute de Recherche sur le Cinéma et l’Audiovisuel (IRCAV, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) in Paris.

The Atelier 2021/22 of the IGS Herder is made possible by the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain in the project KUNSTVOLL.

Logo Kunstvoll

“Exploring Cinéma, cent ans de jeunesse” is supported by ERASMUS+ and the ODDO BHF Bank Foundation.

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Christine Kopf
Phone: +49 69 961 220 – 308
E-Mail schreiben


In the DFF podcast “Alles ist Film,” Christine Kopf (Head of Film Education at the DFF) and Sophie Erichsen (Project Manager of the Frankfurt Atelier of CCAJ) discuss E*CCAJ: