On Tour: CLOSE UP. The Film Costumes by Barbara Baum

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CLOSE UP. The Film Costumes by Barbara Baum

DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum paid tribute to a grande dame of European costume design with an exhibition on Barbara Baum’s work from October 23, 2018 to March 10, 2019. Her collaboration with Rainer Werner Fassbinder is legendary.
Exhibition website

The show, conceived by the DFF, was on display at the Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin from April 30 to October 26, 2020.


CLOSE UP is also a “hands-on” exhibition, providing a multi-sensory experience for the blind and visually impaired through a tactile exhibition concept. Costume designs have been translated into tactile graphics in relief printing. Visitors can use their fingertips to feel shape and cut, drapery folds, or details such as sequins. Barbara Baum’s instructions to the seamstresses are also printed in Braille. An original fabric sample conveys the tactile quality of the material used.

Tactile mediation is complemented by audio description. It makes the exhibition space and its contents accessible through the sense of hearing, thus creating mental images. A further sensual component is provided by new digital screens positioned behind the original costumes. They show the symbiosis of body and costume in the moving image.

Exhibition Walktrough

Production: indievisuals
Director, Camera: Lawrence Richards
Camera Assistant, Dditor: Tilman Zender
Lighting: Leon Machunze

Contact DFF

Isabelle Bastian
069 961 220 451